01 02 03 Now that's pretty: The Haunted House- Disneyworld 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

The Haunted House- Disneyworld

I thought I needed to do a separate post about my favourite ride in Disneyworld- the Haunted House. I love everything about this ride; its witty, it's amazingly decorated and it's charmingly spooky. Plus it's also my Mum's favourite ride so I love being able to run up to the haunted house with her all giggly.
They've got a really neat new queuing system now too so you queue up through a graveyard section full or these amazing graves (wow amazing graves is an odd phrase). My favourite is the twins- I think I just might like rhymes. Oh dear, another level of childishness surfaces. Also the faces really remind me of the characters on Bioshock Infinite if there are any gamers out there.
Favourite grave y'all.

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