01 02 03 Now that's pretty: DIY Day of the Dead cookies 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

DIY Day of the Dead cookies

 So Halloween is over but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the spooky goodness. Today is Dia de los Muertos which means lots of spooky skeletons and colours. Yay! I decided I wanted to make cookies to celebrate and since gingerbread men are a pretty good start I decided to bust out the ginger a couple of months ahead of schedule.

You will need:
Ginger bread cookies ( I used this one)
Gingerbread cookie cutters
Royal icing ( You need quite a heavy consistency for it to set in time.)
Thin Paintbrushes
Gel Food Colouring
Piping bag
1. Make your dough. I added a little bit of black food colouring to darken it a little so the white would stand out more.
2. So... I didn't have a gingerbread man cutter...only a bear.
3. But it seemed to work kind of well after some adjustments. Cut out your gingerbread men.
4. Cook your cookies and leave to cool.
5. Put a line of icing around the top of the head.
6. Add two knobs either side of the head to make the jaw.
7. Add the lower part of the jaw.
8. Add a line for hands and feet.
9. Now join the hands together with a single line and add a spine and ribs.
10. Now add a little water to your icing so it is thinner and use it to fill in the spaces.
11. Allow to dry completely.
12. Using a paint brush paint a black outline around the edge of the icing.
13. Add your details in black.
14. When completely dry dry add colours.

I'll warn you. These don't last long in a house. Seems like more people love Day of the Dead than I thought.

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